Friday, July 15, 2011

A "fair, balanced" debate on Fox "News"

Today Fox "News" hosted what it referred to as a "fair, balanced debate" on the California LGBT History Bill we reported on yesterday.

The debate featured Peter Sprigg, a "senior fellow" at American hate group The Family Research Council, and Mitchell Gold, founder of Faith in America, whose mandate is to "counter-message the bigotry, prejudice and hostility toward the LGBT community being sold to the public for several decades under the guise of religious belief and religious teaching." Sprigg has linked homosexuality to paedophilia; publicly called for criminalizing homosexuality and for "exporting" gay Americans to other countries; and claims that gays are trying to brainwash children into accepting homosexuality through public schools.

Sprigg claims that "the purpose of history is to teach history," and that the bill is a direct attack on, and a violation of the religious liberty of those who believe in the three major monotheistic religions. He also repeated the argument frequently employed by homophobes that anti-bullying efforts should target all who are bullied, and not just "special groups."

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