Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Catholic archbishop to resign over paedophilia

Philadelphia Roman Catholic Cardinal Justin Rigali, 76, will step down this week amid a continuing scandal over paedophile priests.

The archdiocese, the sixth largest in America, allegedly concealed the sexual abuse of children by its priests to avoid a costly scandal.  Three priests, a monsignor and a church teacher were indicted as a result of a Philadelphia grand jury report issued at the beginning of this year.
"We would have assumed, by the year 2011, after all the revelations both here and around the world, that the church would not risk its youth by leaving them in the presence of priests subject to substantial evidence of abuse. That is not the case."
The grand jury found 37 priests who have been kept in assignments that exposed them to children.  Twenty-one of these were suspended after the report, and three others were placed on administrative leave.

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