Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unwanted body hair can be such a disaster

In possibly the most crass, tasteless, offensive print advertisements in the history of universe, Braun is using images of actual disasters to advertise its electric razors with the tagline
"Unwanted body hair can be such a disaster. Get rid of it with the new Silk épil Expressive."
One ad features a drawing of the Titanic moments before sinking, while another features an image of the Hindenburg engulfed in flames.  1517 people died when Titanic sank in gelid waters in 1912, while 37 people died when Hindenburg was engulfed in flames in 1937.

A third ad features an image of dinosaurs with a fast-approaching meteor in the background.

The ads are by Impact BBDO, UAE.  How they ever made it past the pitch is anyone's guess.

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